Pituitary tumour

The anterior pituitary secretes a number of hormones including:

Although theoretically a tumour could secrete any of these hormones, the common tumours secrete growth hormone (see acromegaly), prolactin (see prolactinoma and hyperprolactinaemia), mixed secretions or no secretion at all.

Once tumours were categorised by their light microscopic appearance but now tumours are more reliably categorised by immunoperoxidase studies.

Blood tests for the hormones are important diagnostic tools.

CT scans, MRI and other imaging techniques are important for determining size (and seriousness of tumours), growth over time and treatment options.

Most tumours are benign but are quite serious because of their position close to important brain structures.

Treatment includes:


  1. ^ Brook, Charles. "Essential Endocrinology". 4th Ed. Blackwell Publishing, 2001, p. 38.